The Teaser, November 18, 1920, Vol. 3, No. 9




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Men's Basketball Practice Begins--Vacation Announced by Pres Stowe--Night Committee Begin Plans--U Women Aid Health Department in Swab Making--Organization Plans of Pan Hel Council Made Definite--Assistant Basketball Manager Try Out--U Annual Plans are Announced--YMCA Stag Party Real Fun Fest--Change in Rules Made by Faculty--New Faculty Athletic Committee--Faculty to Have Thankful Party--TU Pharmacy College Recognized by Board--Faculty to Give Student Ball--Intelligence Tests Scheduled Friday--Student Opinions--Answers--Banter--Dean Holliday on Program of Philadelphia Convention--Mackenzie Speaks to Glee Club--Students!--Other Colleges--Engineers Enjoy Meetings in Place of Classes--Bridge Club Added to U Activities--Teaser Exchange Rack for U Library--Mrs. Stowe Speaks to U Women--Opportunity Excellent in South America--Greek Club News--U Student Advertisers Sought by Firms--Magazine Asks Articles on TU's Oldest Student--More Welcome Holidays Promised on the Way--Eastern Schools Still Lead in Publicity--Between Us--Football Struggles Among Ohio colleges Still Rages--TU Has Candidate for Fire Department--Girls As last Gain TU Publicity--For the Literary--,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll #1


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, United States
