The Campus Collegian, November 20, 1930, Vol. 13, No 8




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Delegates Named For OCNA Meet--CJ Bushnell Meets With Pi Gamma Mu--TU Has Brilliant History in NSFA--Debate Teams Chosen For Year By Kline--Ohio Municipal Meet Enjoyed by Dr. Jones--Annual Staff Plans Larger Blockhouse--Sophomore Lose Degree Game--University Glee Club Rehearses at Greene's--Students To Hear Scott Nearing Talk--H. Anderson Speaks to Commerce Club--Kipling Accuses English Government of Treason--Scott and Brimmer Inspect Geology Labs--Polish Students Open Year With Elections--A Date That Will Not Die--Spanish Club Plans Second Annual Fiesta--Former Rocket Star Composes Song Hits--Cat Shares Lunches of University Students--Relations Club Plans New Student Programs--Former Graduates Prove Successes as Teachers--A Time For Thanks--An Apple A Day--The Good Barbarian--An International University--Ashes--Laffing It AWF With Bob Elfey--The Thursday Review--Present Campus Once Known as University Farm--Society--If You Can't Take Her to A Dance, You At Least May Take Her Home--Previews from a Percolator--Toledo Open Forum Attracts Students--Star Neighbors--Sportive Views--Rockets to Meet Detroit City Team--Harriers End Year With ONU Victory--Connelly Urges Men Out For Basketball--Co-ed Capers--Hockey Tournament Played This Week--BG Normal Adopts Frosh Rule For '31,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
