The Campus Collegian, November 9, 1927, Vol. 10, No. 8




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Freshmen Get Most Notices of Poor Work--Greeks Invite 202 Students to Pledgeship--Museum Benefits Science Students--Precinct Reports Travel to New York City as Exhibits--Calculations Now Easy for Students in TU Math Class--Political Science Assembly Starts Constitution Work--Sororities Start Rushing Program--Findlay Next Opponent for Rocket Eleven--Theme of Annual Planned by Heads--Canfield Heads Cast of First Stage Offering--Cast Chosen for Year's First Play--Miss Bissell New Rhetoric Teacher--Journalism Class Hear Sob Sisters--City Plan Engineer to Address Class--Racine is Dean of Law School--Aids to Studying Placed in Library--Defiance Game--Student Opinion--With The Greeks--Book Review--Celebrate Campaign--Sunday Meetings to be Social Only--Debate Aspirants Argue Resolution in Practice Meet--Poets Read Own Work Before Club--Sheriff Summons Rynder in Class--Armistice Day Brings Back Memories of War to Student--Sophomores Trim Degrees in Final--TU Freshmen Are Outnumbered by Upperclass Team--Faculty Court Squad Again--Rocket Harriers Nose Out Defiance--Uhl Elected Head of Swimming Team--Hockey League Starts Nov 14--Toledo Battles Way to Great 16-7 Win in Last Home Game,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
