The Campus Collegian, January 13, 1933, Vol. 17, No. 14




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Council Signs New Contract--Debate Squad Goes to Indiana, Illinois--Seven Students at Variance on Island Freedom--University Dance Date--NSFA to Meet--Cast Chosen--Will Offer New Business Course--Blockhouse Again Urges That Pictures be Taken--Library Receives Gift--Antioch Inaugurates Co-Operative Service--Bushnell Presents Series of Lectures--Senior Committees Chosen--Collegian Morgue is First in OCNA--Social Science Museum Additions--This is No Article For Brains--Jones Writes Articles--Technical Society Hears Dean Potter--Skeleton of Zoo Monkey Prepared--Riddle Them These--Student Thought--Are Our Faces Red--Collegians in Sing Sing--Collegian Curiosities--A'musing--Marquette Dean Lists Requisites--The Book Parade--Consider Contracts For Printing--Lezius Instructs Inexperienced --Broker Shows Business--John Disher Addresses Management Classes--German Professor Has Record For Language--R.H. Randall To Speak--Society--Boeing Air School Gives Scholarships--Group Standings--Sorbonne To Offer Ten Weeks Course--About--W.M. Leiserson Speaks--Palmer Advises City--Thomas Sperry Speaks--Ohio Conference Game Scheduled--Sports Observer--University Drops Conference Game--TU Women Engage in Interclass Meet--Notre Dame Plays Toledo--Basketeering--Falcons To Meet University--Awards Will be Made at Association Party--Rocket Trackmen to Start Practice--Basketball Biographies--Ludlow Makes Rulings--Women of WAA Work on Lounge Furnishings--Connelly Issues Call For Baseball Practice,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#3


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
