The Campus Collegian, May 26, 1939, Vol. 21, No. 28
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University of Toledo
University of Toledo
University of Toledo
97 Vote For Queen Of Prom--150 Register For Training In Proposed Air School--Law Fee Increase Attacked--To Graduate Largest Class In U History--Many To Attend 24th Annual Summer Session--Pi Gamma Mu Plans Conference Here In June--Law Scholarship To Be Offered In New School--Barbara Klag Named Scribe Of Student Council--US Workers Position Is High, Seniors Are Told--Three To Attend Marine Class--Polish Club to Entertain Seniors--Seniors Enjoy Splashing Good Time--30 Juniors to Usher For Commencement--Student Management Of Union To End--Six Seniors Receive Medals For Activities--To Show Two Movies In Theatre Today--New Electric Scoreboard to Be Given As Memorial--Organist To Present Recital Here Monday--Landwehr To Head Arx Next Year--Law College Program--Scholarship Funds--In Retrospect--College Curiosities--University In Review--Senior Convocation Speaker And Topic Inappropriate, 'Has Been' Declares--TU Names In The News--They Say--Flight Unit--Campus Appreciation--Fraternity Fish--Three Years Ago--A Few Quips--Trackmen Near End Of Good Season--Diamond Dedicated By Victory--Sig Bets Nose Out Chi Bets To Win IM Cinder Meet--Softball Title To Be Settled Monday--Ohio Conference Title Added to 1938 Golfing Laurels--Rockets Seek Conference Title--Kappa Iota Chi Clinches Cup--Varsity Squads to Lose Only 17 Men In Five Sports In June Graduation--Netters To Play Akron Tomorrow--Sig Bets Win Trophy In first Athletic Carnival, Seven Teams Enter--Women In Sports--Fraternities, Sororities Plan Spring Formals, Name Next Year's Officers--Fashions In Flickers--Students Offered Housework Jobs--Seniors Lose Pants--Sigma Rho Tau Plans Installation--To Give final Exam Preview--Tuition Awards Given 2 Students--Student Council Desires Check on Activities,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#3
Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo