The Campus Collegian, May 5, 1927, Vol. 9, No. 26




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Downtown Shows to Give Loyalty Week Publicity, Blockhouse To Be Issued--Student Y Plans Banquet for Men--When Convocation is Lacking, Students Find Many Diversions--J Hop Poster is Declared Obscene--Engineers Take Inspection Trip--To Vote on WA Nominees--TU J Hop Set for Tomorrow Night--Plan Stag Mixer for Loyalty Week--Spanish Books Added to Library--Girls to Meet MSC at YWCA Activity Cards Accepted for Admission--Holyoke President Addresses TU Women--Pharmics Pay Visit to Parke Davis Co.--Debaters to Speak at High Schools--200 People Attend '27 Senior Prom--Collegian Reporters Refute Accepted Scientific Facts--Oh What A Nurse--Government By The Sick--You Can Trust Her--Laugh--Under The Cover--Theatrical Notes--With The Greeks--Molina Lectures on Spanish Art--History Students Invited to Picnic--Exhibit Engravings at Art Museum--Seniors to Increase TU Memorial Fund--Character Needed in Business World--League Will Give Luncheon--Banter--What Old Teasers Tell Us--Condition Tests in French--Seek Religious Views at Temple--To Vote on Co-Op Bookstore at UK--Sophs To Struggle at MRYC--Student Opinion--AYK's Trim Freshmen 4 to 1, Sigma Beta Phi Wins 11-10--Indiana U Skaters Have Difficulties--Mikesell Now WAA Leader--Life Insurance is Granted Frat Men--Sport Scraps--Toledo Loses Tennis Match--Rockets Travel to BG for Meet,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
