The Role of Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate in B Cells Calcium Flux

dc.contributorPianhong, Han (author)
dc.contributorDr. Katherine Wal (advisor)
dc.descriptionNicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is the most recently discovered Ca2+ signaling second messenger. The investigation of NAADP in T lymphocytes, conducted by Dr. Katherine A. Wall’s lab, has demonstrated the importance of NAADP as a Ca2+ mobilizing second messenger in naive and effector murine T cells. The success indicates that NAADP contributes prominently to Ca2+ during activation of the cells. However, no one has particularly investigated the role that NAADP plays in B lymphocytes. The project I am working on is to explore the function of NAADP in B cells by calcium flux. I am using Ned-19, an inhibitor of the NAADP signaling pathway, to indicate the presence of NAADP signaling.Investigating whether NAADP has an essential effect in B cell function as it does in naive and effector murine T cells will bring more understanding to the cell and cell functioning as a whole. The research will also enhance our current knowledge about NAADP, and one of the benefits is to help us better target the Ca2+ release mechanism with specific drugs. Therefore, enlightening us in causes of many autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, which may lead to new treatments for those diseases and contribute to the advancement of immunology and pharmacology.
dc.format1 p.,application/pdf
dc.identifieriid: 2018-EOS-Han-The-Role-Of-Nicotininc-Acid
dc.relationScholars' Celebration & End-of-Summer Symposium Posters & Presentations, 2017-18
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.rights.uri - In Copyright
dc.titleThe Role of Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate in B Cells Calcium Flux


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