1872-1919, close-up view
<strong>Exhibit labels:</strong><br /><br />[1]Stebbins, G. B. "Scientific and Industrial Education. Its Importance to Out Country. "( December 1872). On the heels of the establishment of the Toledo University of Arts and Trades by Jesup Scott as well as a pledged endowment of $60,000 by William Raymond, the Trustees sought to investigate "the practical application of science to the useful arts." They invited Stebbins to give a public lecture of how European countries had established scientific and technical education, believing that the talk was of "signal value" to meeting their goals.<br /><br />[2]Scott Family. Jesup Scott appointed eleven members to the original board of the Toledo Toledo University of Arts and Trades, three of whom were his sons William, Frank. and Maurice (not pictured). All were in their business and civic activities of Toledo. After their father's death in 1874, they sought to keep his dream alive.<br /><br />[3]Deed of Trust (1872). Jesup Scott and his wife Susan Scott deeded 160 acres of land for the establishment of the university on October 24, 1872. The land was worth $80,000 at the time and with plans for the development of a railway junction in Toledo, Scott expected the land to increase in value enough to support a university. The junction was never built.<br /><br />[4]Manual Training School students (ca. 1886).
University of Toledo -- History, Exhibitions -- University of Toledo