The Campus Collegian, May 2, 1946, Vol. 28, No. 25




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



election Final To Begin Today--President Nash Welcomes Seniors--Annual High School Day Brings 2,500 Visitors Here--Betty Lou Bellman New PHC Head--Social Agency Speaker Here for Institute--2,226 Enrolled In Day Sessions--25 Colleges Attend OCNA Meeting--258 Sing In Sorority Songfest--Student Council Disagrees Committee On Awards--Board Confirms Election of Luetke--Exhibit of War Souvenirs Set Up By Campus Veterans For Visitors--Campus Variety Show Planned For Seniors Today--Check on Checks, Is Plea to Vets--Again A Peacetime Celebration--"Get Out to Vote" Campus Spirit--Student or Puppet Government--More to "Peer Gynt" Than Play--The Four Arts--Report From Poland--Campus Cut-ups--University In Review--In Our Time--Guest Editorial--With Alumni-- Trying to Provide For all Registrants--Social Work Meet Listed In Theatre--32 Families Inhabit Veteran Community--Postman Doesn't Ring At U--Church Building Housed First U Classes In 1872--Library Feels Student Influx--Women's Dean "Jack of Trades" In Counsel Job-- To Relax? All The Place--U Graduate Joins Faculty Saw War's Aftermath--6 Marks Appear On Grade Rule--Certification Necessary For Entrance--Groups Offer Wide Range of Activities--3 Mid-year Grads Get Teaching Jobs--Business Administration Professional In Character--Honor Scholarships For U Awarded City High Schools--Femnastics--Dorm Women Represent 6 States, 15 Cities--Personnel Office Aids U Students-- Veteran Statewide Committee-- Nearly --Marriage Education Comes Too Late, Conferees Agree--Social Spotlight--Turntable Topics--Sportsview--Rocket Baseballers to Battle Findlay Today--Former Kansas City Hurler With Rockets--Baldwin Wallace To be Scene of Track Meet--Bluffton Falls To U Netters After Case Loss--University Golf, Tennis Facing Heavy Weeks--U Announces New Coaches,Campus Collegian Microfilm, Roll#4


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
