The Campus Collegian, October 24, 1929, Vol. 12, No 5




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Candidates Must File Application--Cub Reporters Experience News Writing Thrill In Writing For Campus Collegian--U Student Killed on Way to School--TU Meets Falcons--Grigsby Grunow Co. Gives Radio to U--Mute Instructor Ending 7th Year--Easley Comments on Modern Dancing--U Graduates Teach in Toledo Schools--Former TU Students Make Social Groups--First Toledo U Band Organized--Dr. Orians Collects Epitaphs--Committee Appointed For Radio Programs--Rush Dates, Officers Named--Faculty Dames Meet--Refreshment Stand Run by Sororities--Spanish Club Holds New Type of Meeting--Former U Teacher Running for Judge--Helen Struhsaker--Meteoric Showers Visible for Toledo-Blockhouse Again--Here's To Akron--Quietus--With The Greeks--Bloated Toad--Student Opinion--The Thursday Review--Something Wrong. Few Objections Heard to Anti-Brief Case Ruling--Work is Started on Athletic Field--Charter Members of New Toledo U Fraternity--Society--Collegian Files--Dr. Marsh Endorses Modern Philosophy--Magazine Conducts Contest on Radio--Denison U Students to Raise $3,300,000--Students Assist In Office and Lab--Fraternity Union May Be Considered--Mrs. F.E. Nurse Has Blade Position--Grades Substitutes For Old Dunce Cap--Literary Guild Selects--Classes to Give WA Wed Programs--TU Harriers Meet BG Here on Friday--Gridiron Sparks--Riding Is Added Women's Sport--Life Saving Course Offered at YWCA--Robert C. Zuppke Wins High Honors--5 Mile Houndrace Tests Coeds Wind--Freshmen Discuss Athletic Interest--Sophs Victorious In Degree Battle--Freshman Women are Nearly Perfect--Run Night Club--Outboard Races--Students View Campus On Parker Air Tour--G.H. Siegel, Pharmacy Grad, Opens Business,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
