The Campus Collegian, February 16, 1934, Vol. 18, No. 15




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Students Request Parks for Personnel Director if Position is Created--74 Students On New Honor Roll--Typing Courses Begin Schedule--Dramatic Association to Present "Macbeth"--27 Students Receive Federal Financial Aid--National Capital Approves Grant--1743 Enrolled This Semester--Enrollment Gains in Free Classes--Sorority Rushing Will Begin Friday--Ted Meier Heads Student YMCA--Club to Sponsor Model Assembly--Blockhouse Proofs Must be Returned--City Gives Fertilizer for University Campus--India Meets Great Britain Here in Verbal Bout, Lion of No 10 Downing Street Ends Second Best--Young Peoples Group Will Meet Wednesday--Dramatic Association Will Broadcast Sunday--Donation of 95 Books Received by TU Library--Parks For Personnel Director--Varsity Debaters In Competition--Ancient Greeks Started New Deal--Denison Chosen for Convention--Purely Personal--U Orchestra Plans Semester Schedule--City Council And the Bus Rate--Campus Leaders--Fraternity Hell Week Finished, Pledges Face Rough Initiation, Phi Kaps Hold Informal Party--Students Enter Writing Contest--With The Night Students--Spicer to Pose as Frontiersman--Meet Postponed by Pi Gamma Mu--Business Ad Club Head Appoints 5 Committees--Detroit City College is Called Wayne U Now--Why Not A News Reading Class--About The $10,000 Fund--Purely Personal--Supervisor Reports CWA Project One-third Finished, Trees Planted--Nash Appointed to State Board--College Curiosities--Prof. Ward Edits Guidance Manual--Farm Proposed for Old Campus--Says World Peace Rests in Family--Literary Corner--The University Band--14 Rhetoric Students Win National Awards--Meet the Faculty--14 Students Carry Extra Class Work--Sororities Entertain Freshmen With Varied Series of Parties Including Novel Dinners, Teas--Actual Teaching Arranged for 44--88 Granted Jobs Here With FERA--Codes of NRA Begin in Schools--Scholarship Committee Strives to Aid Methods of Teaching--With The Night Students--High School Work of U Men Studied--News Clipping File Aids In Economics--Experimental Class Proves Successful--Rockets Receive City Title by Downing St Johns--Tourney Finalists to Meet Tuesday--Sororities Enter Basketball Meet--Rockets to Play Falcon Cagers--Spring Grid Practice Begins With Study of New Tactics--Intramurals--Rockets to Play Oberlin Saturday--Chi Bets Win Bowling Tourney, Folger Scores in Intramurals--Schools Invited to Indoor Meet,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#3


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
