The Campus Collegian, Friday, May 14, 1926, Vol. 8, No. 26




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



University Mourns Death of Beloved Prexy, Dr. J.W. Dowd--Close Race Expected for Council President--Wets Have Majority in Ballot--Story of Dr. Dowds Life Reveals Record of Service to Great Principles of Life--Dr Bradley Speaks on Causes of War--Engineers Hold Annual Election--Mother Daughter Banquet Tonight--Poetry Contest Closes Monday--Student Y To Give Dinner for Seniors--Form New Plan for Book Store--Rippon Speaks at Cleveland Parley--Vote As An Individual--Examinations and A Poet--Chatter Column--Organizations--Campus Opinions--Medals Are Awarded to TU Debaters--Debaters Congratulated in Letter from Albert Miller at Recognition--More Kick to Air Than to Tobacco--Plan Poetry Club for TU Students--Wets Have Edge in Student Poll--Speaking Class Holds Banquet--Students Hear Poet, Marguerite Wilkinson Lecture--Contents of Old Text Book Make Modern Education Appear Easy--Colleges Favor Unlimited Cuts--Prize Offered for Economic Paper--Under The Cover--Rockets Swamp Findlay College--Pharmics, Cadets Still Undefeated--Bangles--Indoors Boys, You're All Wet--Sport Scraps--Rockets Defeated By Bluffton--Golf Tournament Opens Next Week--Toledo Tennis Team Loses--California Co-Eds Want More Men--Toledo Second in Track Meet,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, United States
