1872-1919, close-up view



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<strong>Exhibit labels:</strong><br /><br />[1]Women's Automobile Mechanics Class (1917)<br /><br />[2]Program fo rthe Opening of the Building at the Corner of Eleventh and Illinois Streets (January, 1914). The university moved into this renovated elementary school from the tempporary quarters of the Meredith Building, in which classes were held since 1911 after the destructive fire at the Toledo Medical College.<br /><br />[3]Albert E. Macomber. Pamphlets, "A Fake University" (1907) and "The Futility of the Attempt to Establish a Municipal University" (1912). Albert Macomber erved on the original Board of Trustees for the Toledo University of Arts and Trades. He had been considered the school's strongest supporter until 1900 when he started a campaign against the institution, which changed its name from the Manual Training Schoolto the Toledo University Polytechnic School. He sought to have the Polytechnic School abolished and reestablished as the manual training department in Central High School. Macomber continued to actively oppose the school until he became too old to do so, writing, editing, and reprinting reports and addresses in pamphlets criticizing the university.


University of Toledo -- History, Exhibitions -- University of Toledo
