The Campus Collegian, December 23, 1932, Vol. 17, No. 12




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Debaters Top Conference Records--Mussehl to Miss Yule Festivities--University Income Increased--University Women Debate--Players Select New Production--Dean Announces Dance Rules--Council Reports on Picture Charges--Orchestra, Chorus on Convo--Education Meeting Attended--Opportunity School Will Be Continued--H. Weller Studies Correct Breathing--Toledo Educators Form Local Group--University Received Favorable Ranking--3 ONU Freshmen Rated as Geniuses--Students In Education College--Telephone Connections Severed--Zymurgy, Yaouist, Koumiss, are Beautiful--Opportunity to Donate Arranged--Puerto Rico Educator Sends Condolence Letter--Extends Greetings--A Progressive Council--National Recognition--Collegian Curiosities--A'musing--Monthly Publishes Bushnell's Article--Verse--DeVilbiss Seniors Hear University Delegates--International Relations--Dramatists To Consider New Name--Men, Freshmen Receive Most Unsatisfactories--Costume Work is Begun--Society--Students Credited in Manual Preface--Faculty Lectures--Professor Speaks on Steel Hardening--About--Oberlin Cagers Slated to Engage Rockets--Track Team Prepares For Winter--Basketeering--Athletic Officials Meet at University--Ohio Northern Trims Rocket--Basketball Planned for Independents--Sports Observer--Nicholson Coaches Frosh Basketball--University Doctor Compiles Statistics--Cherry Building is Contribution for City Needy--Women Complete Round of Volleyball Tourney--Swimming Class to Take Tests,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#3


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
