The Campus Collegian, March 7, 1929, Vol. 11, No. 20




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



University Picnic Set By Council--U Radio Program Changed to March 9--Young Wives Should Work to Aid Husbands, Believe TU Students--Dean Easley Keeps Lit Classes Awake--Gnawing Advantage Held by Students--U Students Again Appear at Palace--President Plans Special Program--Student Speaks to Young People--English Singers Appear at Eight--Women Again Lead Men Scholastically--Kornfield Holds Enviable Record--J Hop Committee Names Orchestra--Kansas U Offers Two Fellowships--Engineers Class Given Textbooks--Students Present Own Ideas of God--Mrs. C.K. Searles Speaks on China--Women Voters Hear Report by Retzke--Marbright Says Men Like Candy--Service--Same Initiations--Wanted, A Challenger--Theatrical Notes--With The Greeks--Extra! Extra! "Jazz Age" Defended by Writer Who Remembers Own "Beer Age"--European Tour to Visit 6 Countries--Western Reserve Gets Applications--Surveyors Study Origin and Growth of Railroads In the United States--Twenty-five Are Practice Teachers--University Of Toledo Physical Ed Man Blushes As First Barefoot Boy of Year--Poli Sci Students Work on Projects--Book Review--Memories--Psi Chi Phi Cops Championship--Varsity Club Sets Standard of Awards--Championship Prospects--Baseball--Faculty Athletes--Thirty Candidates Answer Track Call--Rockets Offense Crumbles at BG--Connelly Chooses Basketball Team--Baseball Practice To Be Called Soon,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
