The Campus Collegian, March 14 , 1941, Vol. 23, No. 19




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Marriage Is Theme of Institute--119 Accept Bids To Sororities--Military Institute To Begin Monday--Modicum of Mail Mourned By Male Mailbox Moocher--U Theater's "Julius Caesar" Considered Good Production of Difficult Drama--2 Debate Teams To Compete At Bowling Green--Transfers Come From 28 Schools To Enroll Here--New Attendance Rules Announced--Does Spider Have Instinct?--Court Member Resigns Position--To Show Slides At Ann Arbor--Ineligible Students Liable For Suspension--Illegal To Use Franked Envelopes--Offer Retail Work To Out-of-Town Men--St. Patrick Would Have Been World's Best Boy Scout--Summer Job Offers Open To Junior Men--Engineering Graduates May Get Jobs In Bureau--Spring Cleaning--Students Conservative On Liquor Question--Advocates Student Government Either Be Cleaned Up or Abolished--University In Review--University Names In The News--College Curiosities--Three Years Ago--Women's Sportlight--Phi Kappa Chi Ties For First In Cage Race--Records Made In All Star Pin League--Prospects For Next Year Bright As Spring Grid Practice Opens--Hungry Five Retains Lead In IM Loop--Return of Baseball Veterans Makes Coach Optimistic--Rockets Undergo Fatigue Tests--To Begin Table Tennis Matches--Rockets Winners In Final Game--U Cagers Bow To Long Island--New Records Set For Low Scores--Rocket Rebounds--Chandler Faces Stiff Competition--U Golf Squad Entered In Meets--Sororities Hold Formal Pledging As Fraternities Plan Initiation Ceremonies--Kappa Iota Chi Keeps Scholarship Lead--3 Cash Prizes Offered Students--Room For Improvement Claimed By Students In Exam Survey--Club Angry At Hoax Expose--Famous Painting Presented To U--King's Pride Seen With Quinn--French Club To Hear A. Beverly Barksdale--Dimpled Knees Disillusion Doting Damsels,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#3


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
