The Campus Collegian, May 11, 1934, Vol. 18, No. 26




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Labor Institute Convenes This Saturday And Sunday To Interpret NRA Codes--Pledges Quizzed About Rushing--Nurses to Study Here Next Year--Smith Reelected Collegian Editor--15 Students Win Speech Distinctions--Folger, Rhodes Seek May Queens Crown--Roth Is Winner In Council Race--U to Graduate 205 on June 13--Small Council Plan is Favored--Collegian Editors Attend Convention--Easley Serves Thursday Teas--Nash May Attend Spanish Festival--Pepper Pledges Receive Initiation--New Appointee Here Will Work in Geneva--Frank Sheets to Speak To Engineering Students--Social Science Classes End Written Work May 21--Toledo U Students Climb Fence To See Kentucky Derby At Rail--U Emergency School Continues Next Year--Welcome High School Seniors--The Track Project--University Review--Manager Plan is Urged by Class--Sue and Betty--Phone Is Busy And Not Private--3 Classes Given In Social Work--Purely Personal--Model Charter Convention--Meet The Faculty--Bring A Friend To The Game--University Holds Open House For 3,000 High School Seniors Today--Judges To Announce Best School Paper--High School Groups Meet in Theatre--120 Guides Chosen To Direct Guests--Dramatic Course Given In Summer--Bulletin Studied For Use Next Fall--Student Group Has Heavy Year--Graduates May Find Job Problem Easier--Students Invited to Hear Speech Festival Tryouts--Toledo University Athletic Plant Ranks With Country's Finest--Piano And Actor Not Acquainted--Play Day Held For High Schools--Peppers Honor Co-Ed Leaders--Chaperones And Guests of Honor Announced For Senior Memorial Dance, Senior Prom This Evening--Pot Luck, Bonfire Used In Ceremony--Voting Machine Would Be Help--Junior College Director To Confer With Seniors--With The Night Students--Engineers Do Well In Elections But Business School Does Better--Bookshop to Sell Literary Journal--Eight Amendments Made at Charter Convention--Time Out--University Ball Club Faces Five Games in Eight Days--Co-Ed Athletes Deflate Awards--Intramurals--Helen Scarlett, WAA President Announces Plans for Next year--Toledo U Rallies To Beat Findlay--TU Trackers Defeat BG--TU Tennis Team Beats St John--Teachers Nine Seek Players--Toledo U Golfers Split Two Matches--Four Women Lead In Archery Contest--Trackmen Engage in Six Team Meet,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#3


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
