ASIC1a Channels in the Amygdala: A Therapeutic Target for Anxiety and Depression



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Thesis: as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree with Honors in Biology
The aim of this investigation is to determine the significance of ASIC1a channels in the amygdala in behaviors associated with depression and anxiety using a mice model. It is hypothesized that those Lox P mice which are subjected to knock-down of ASIC1a channels in the amygdala prior to being injected with Endothelin-1 in their prefrontal cortex exhibit fewer behaviors associated with depression and anxiety than those wildtype mice that still have these channels. The data obtained from this investigation was limited as many obstacles were faced due to circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, the findings are largely inconclusive and inconsistent with current research and knowledge. Based on the limited results obtained, an electrophysiological approach may be needed in order to fully understand the role of ASIC1a in depression and anxiety and how it can be targeted for the development of new therapies.


Amygdala, anxiety, depression, mice model, ASIC1a
