The Campus Collegian, February 7, 1929, Vol. 11, No. 16




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University of Toledo
University of Toledo



Muny Five Keeps City Cage Title--Students Present Play Over Radio--Daily Attendance at Library is 650--Board to Suggest Glee Club Director--Advanced Students Will Make Survey--Relations Meeting Held on Jan 21--Blockhouse--Over 500 Students Attend "Aftermath"--University of City of Toledo Students Will Appear in "Poor Nut" at Palace--Frosh Rocketeers Ignore Valentines--Freshmen Will Have New Council Student--University Y Plans Induction Ceremony--Special Invitation Given TU Students--Toledo U Will Have New House--Debating Continues Second Semester--Build--OCNA Contest--Fraternity Scholarship--Going To Sleep--Theatrical Notes--With The Greeks--Perseus and The Mirrored Shield--Book Review--Grades--New Course Given to Aid Engineers--University Credit Given to Museum--Mrs. C.K. Searles to Talk to Club--Conference Enters on Last Round of Race--Rockets to Meet Findlay--The College Nuisance--University Five Cops Findlay Tilt--Cage Intramurals Played This Week--Elect Captains in Girls' Sports--Peppers to Give Mirthful Comedy--Sport Scraps--Rockets Play Last Home Game Friday--Collegian Corrects R. Boatfield Story--John Carroll wins Over Rockets 43-19,The Collegian Microfilm, Roll#2


Student newspapers and periodicals--Ohio--Toledo, Universities and colleges--Ohio--Toledo, University of Toledo
