Olive A. Colton Papers, 1867-1961, MSS-008

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14324/86

Olive Colton was best known as a suffragist and reformer. Her personal interests, however, were rather varied: travel, postcard and autograph collecting, the opera and theater, royalty, Emerson, besides women’s and other social issues. She traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and the world. There is also considerable information on her activities as a woman suffragist. Colton also founded the Toledo's League of Women Voters in 1921, a member of the National Woman's Party in the 1930s, and served as a delegate to Carrie Chapman Catt's Woman's Centennial Congress in 1940. This collection documents those interests and activities. Postcards form approximately two-thirds of the content of the collection. Materials in the collection include pamphlets, correspondence (1909 -1961), clippings, and autographs, but the bulk of the collection consists of postcards and scrapbooks. .

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