Association of Two Toledos Collection, 1609-2002, MSS-071

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Organization created to promote cultural exchange between sister cities of Toledo, Ohio and Toledo, Spain, (1931 - Present). Collection includes scant proceedings (1974) and correspondence (1934-1944, scattered). Scrapbooks and scrapbook materials document early activities of the organization, first named Committee on Relations with Toledo, Spain. Scrapbooks incorporate photographs, newspaper clippings (in English and Spanish), and other materials on delegations sent to Spain to initiate cultural exchange (1934-1937) and miscellaneous Committee activities (1962-1971). The collection also includes maps (1976, 1930); certificates and awards (1934-1963); pamphlets, programs, and brochures (1930s); English-, Spanish-, and French-language periodicals, graphic arts, artifacts, and 54 books (1674-1977, primarily Spanish).

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