Protest: Activism and Social Change, 1845-2015 (An exhibition)

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“Protest” is, at its core, an exhibit about people coming together for a common cause. This exhibit brings together historical materials from across the collections of the Ward M. Canaday Center and unites them around the common theme of activism. The word “activism” might bring to mind protests or demonstrations, but in this exhibit, we are exploring the many ways that Americans have acted together to bring about social and political change: through public marches and protests, through art and writing, through service and scholarship.


Women's History
Civil Rights
Disability Rights
Labor Movement
Student Protest
LGBTQ Activism
Featured Collections

Navigating this exhibition: Follow the link to the individual exhibit above, use the image to open the large view, close it when you are finished, then follow the Collection link to return to this page.

Catalog Research and Text: Tamara Jones, Sara Mouch, and Lauren Whiten
Catalog Graphic Design: Loralei R. Byatt
Exhibition Collaborators: Suzanne Henry, Tamara Jones, Lisa Meyer, Sara Mouch, and David Remaklus
Virtual Exhibition: Arjun Sabharwal
